2014年1月20日 星期一

2014/1/20 「愈懂藝術欣賞的人 愈有創新力」

愈懂藝術欣賞的人 愈有創新力

摘錄自:天下雜誌 經濟學人電子報                        2013/1/17
2014-01-08 Web only 作者:經濟學人
天下雜誌 經濟學人電子報 - 20140120
史丹佛是加州著名的革新工廠,Google的布林(Sergey Brin)和佩吉(Larry Page)、Netflix的哈斯汀斯(Reed Hastings)都是這裡的校友。史丹佛發現,藝術就是未來;史丹佛音樂教授兼藝術倡議總監辛頓(Stephen Hinton)解釋道,史丹佛發現自己是在教育領袖,而領導者不只得擁有技術能力和經濟知識,還得擁有廣泛的技能。



OECD教育研究及研發中心的資深分析師文森朗格林(Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin)指出,其他大學也都發現,單只有職業訓練是不夠的。文森朗格林、阿維薩提(Francesco Avvisati)和賈克亭(Gwenaël Jacotin)合著的文章指出,藝術系畢業生比其他人更常參與產品革新。

史丹佛的計畫,也讓人開始思考藝術在北加州的角色。雖然舊金山擁有知名的歌劇院和世界級交響樂團,北加州在藝術方面還是比不上倫敦、紐約等地。史丹佛新音樂廳的執行總監豪森(Wiley Hausam)想改變的正是此事,他認為灣區擁有足夠的資源,可以成為21世紀的佛羅倫斯。



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The Economist

Stanford University
A Florence for the 21st century

By The Economist
From The Economist
Published: January 08, 2014

Jan 6th 2014, 16:52 by E.H.B

LIKE all first-year Stanford students, Peter Kurzner is obliged to study the arts. He has settled on a curriculum that includes courses in political science and "theatre in the marketplace", as well as voice lessons. "I considered going to Yale, which has traditionally been much better at performing arts," he says. "But Stanford is really making a push to raise its level."

It is indeed. California's famous innovation factory, which counts Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google, Reed Hastings of Netflix, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger of Instagram, and Peter Thiel of PayPal among its alumni, has discovered that arts are the future. "Stanford is aware that it's educating leaders," explains Stephen Hinton, a professor of music and the director of the Stanford Arts Initiative. "And leadership isn't just about having technical skills and economic savvy, but about having a broad range of skills."

In other words, Stanford wants its future Brins and Pages to know not just how to code but also how to decode Mozart symphonies. From last September, all undergraduates have had to take a compulsory class in "Creative Expression". Among the 161 courses they can choose from are Laptop Orchestra and Shakespeare in Performance.

The Palo Alto-based university is trying to help answer one of the questions that haunts our "knowledge society": where will new ideas come from? Many successful start-ups are the result of their founders spotting gaps in their own lives. But what if their thinking stretched far beyond their daily horizon? "The labour market is a rat race, so you're in a permanent state of distraction," notes Wiley Hausam, the executive director of Stanford's new Bing Concert Hall. "Art stops all of that and allows creative ideas to emerge almost on their own."

So, in much the same manner that Immanuel Kant, an 18th-century philosopher, developed ideas on his daily walks through Königsberg in Prussia, Stanford students' outings into the world of arts will—so the university's leadership hope—help them become more creative citizens. Of course, not all undergraduates will jump at the opportunity to learn more about Giacomo Puccini or Jackson Pollock. But, argues Professor Hinton, in today's society delving into unfamiliar areas is necessary: "The pace of technology is such that the field you go into may become obsolete, so it's good to get used to stepping outside your comfort zone."

Indeed, according to Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, a senior analyst at the OECD's Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, "other universities are also realising that vocational training isn't enough". According to an articleby Vincent-Lancrin, Francesco Avvisati and Gwenaël Jacotin in the Tuning Journal for Higher Education, arts graduates are more likely than others to be involved in product innovation. Aalto Universitywas launched in Finland in 2010 with the goal of creating a new science-and-arts community.

Stanford's push also raises a question about the role of the arts in northern California as a whole. According to the Bay Area Economic Research Council, the 7.15m-resident San Francisco Bay area, with its GDP of $535 billion (£328 billion), is the world's 19th-largest economy. Yet even though San Francisco has a respected opera house and world-class symphony orchestra, northern California's arts scene is small compared with that of, say, London or New York. That's something Mr Hausam wants to change. "Stanford has been the catalyst of the Silicon Valley revolution, and we want to have the same effect on the arts," he says. "The Bay Area has the human and material resources needed to become the Florence of the 21st century."

The first step, Mr Hausam says, is to turn Palo Alto into a city where artists live permanently. "In the next three-to-five years you'll see the effect," he promises. "Arts will fundamentally change our students, and it will change students who come to Stanford. In five years I hope we'll have a student body that embraces the arts and artistic living."

Stanford creating a new Florence? Students and professors at Yale, which boasts highly respected drama and music schools, might scoff at the thought. But the university behind Google and Netflix has the muscle to make an impact in arts, too. Imagine the potential if future Brins and Pages were encouraged to nurture artistic interests. We'll check back in five years.

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