2015年7月14日 星期二

2015/7/14 「人人看見你就笑 職場社交DO&DON」

人人看見你就笑 職場社交DODON

摘錄自:能力雜誌電子報                                2015/5/27
/Tutor ABC

問對問題 初次見面就喜歡你
DON’T What do you do?(你的職業是什麼?)
DO Are you originally from [wherever the event is], or did your business
bring you here?(你是在地人嗎?【無論在什麼場合下】還是公司派你來的?)

初次自我介紹(initial introduction)後,請不要問對方「What do you do?(你的職業是什麼?)」。

如果你問這個問題,對方的回答鐵定會很乏味(bland answer)。在進行電梯行銷(elevator pitch)的人會因為一直問相同的問題而感到乏味,聽的人要假裝感興趣也會很乏味。但是,如果你問一些具有思考性的問題,對方經過深思熟慮後,反而會覺得比較不生硬且有趣,你也可以同時得知對方的職業是什麼。

電梯行銷(elevator pitch)是什麼?
1. Do you often travel for business?(你常出差嗎?)
2. Do you like to travel?(你喜歡旅行嗎?)
3. What other similar events have you recently attended?(你最近還出席過什麼類似的場合?)
4. What has been the highlight of this trip been so far?(這趟旅行到現在有發生什麼有趣的事嗎?)

DON’T I pretty like the presenter. I think he is charming and inspiring.(我蠻喜歡那位主持人,我覺得他很迷人而且具有啟發性。)
DO I thought the presenter did a good job. What did you think?(我覺得主持人表現得很好,你覺得呢?)

想要讓話題持續,你應該讓對方回答一些問題,而非自顧自地發表想法,像是在活動中詢問「What did you think of the speaker?(你覺得這個講者講得如何?)」就是讓話題延續的最基礎問題。另外,你還可以問一些跟節目主持人(presenter)、當晚的精彩節目(roundtable)有關的問題,例如︰I really liked that quote by the main speaker. I agreed with his conclusion. Do you have any thoughts about his conclusions? (我覺得主講人引用的那句話很不錯。我認同他下的結論,你覺得他下的結論怎樣?)或是What are you finding most valuable about this event? (你覺得這活動哪部分最有價值?)

此外,當你跟對方還不熟時,就找共通點來聊!或是談談你們周遭的環境(your immediate surroundings)。比如說,在活動結束後,你想要去附近餐廳吃晚飯,並且合理且自然地邀請對方時,就可以問︰How long will you still be in town? If you have time, we might meet for lunch or dinner tomorrow? (你會待多久?有空的話,明天要不要一起吃個午餐還是晚餐?)或是Can you suggest any good restaurants nearby?(你能推薦一下附近的餐廳嗎?)

如果對話持續進展(progresses further),你還可以提出以下的問題:
1. What does an ideal day look like in terms of who you meet with or your key priorities?(談到跟人開會或是優先要辦的事項,要具備什麼樣的條件才能叫做理想的一天呢?)
2. Whats your favorite part of your work?(你最喜歡工作的哪個部分?)
(問這個問題時氣氛通常是愉快的,如果你不知道該不該問對方最討厭工作的哪個部分,我的建議是,除非你們是同業(unless you're in the same line of work.),不然就別問。)
3. How did you get the job you have?(你是怎麼找到這份工作的?)
4. What made you decide to major in……?(你為什麼會主修……?)
5. What made you decide to attend (name of school)?(你為什麼會去讀(學校名稱)?)
6. What made you decide to go into the ……business?(你為什麼會從事……業?)

Don't do that! 小心交不到新朋友
DON’T Don't go to networking events with friends; otherwise, you spend the whole event talking to no one but the people you already know.(別跟朋友一起去,不然你不會認識新朋友。)
DO Don't forget to follow up. Follow up with the people you connect with. Add their contact information to your address book or add them on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter.(保持聯絡,把新認識的朋友的連絡資訊加到通訊錄裡頭,或是在社交網站跟他們成為朋友。)

1. Don't try to meet everyone in sight. Make sure to spend good quality time with a few people rather than a little time with a lot of people.(別急著認識每個人,貪多嚼不爛。)
2. Don't be a stalker. Follow the 3/6 rule of networking: Contact a new person (online, never by phone) three times in a period of six weeks. If you don't hear back, move on.(別緊迫盯人,遵循社交3/6原則:6個禮拜內跟新朋友線上聯絡3次,不打電話,如果沒有回音,換下一個。)
3. Don't interrupt. Think about all the times you've been interrupted. It's not fun. (別插嘴。只要回想一下別人插嘴的時候,就知道這一點也不有趣。)
4. Don't be a card spammer. It's never a good idea to work a room by handing out your cards or to quickly toss your card to someone who's not asked for it. (與人相交別操之過急。想取得別人的好感,就別讓人感到壓迫感。)
5. Don't talk so much. It's almost always better to ask more questions than you're answering. (話別太多,與其回答問題還不如多問問題。)
6. Don't use the words: pick your brain. The problem with asking, "Can I pick your brain?" is that it's extremely vague, and it doesn't sound all that good. If you're going to make a request to someone for their time and look to build a long-term relationship, be specific.(別用「pick your brain」這個片語,因為太過模糊了,而且也不怎麼好聽。如果你要占用別人的時間,而且想跟對方培養長期的關係,講話就要明確點。)

pick your brain,字面意思是在你的腦子中挑東西,延伸之意為討教問題、挖別人腦袋中的寶。


